Hello everybody, Today I am gonna give a review on these chocolates which is amazingly delicious. You can guess from the cover thou. As they look yummy form outside, they are equally taste heaven from inside.So, these are the BELGIAN Creamy Vanilla Seashells. They are vanilla scented and filled with vanilla chocolate inside.
Here they are, extremely beautiful to see and yummy to eat.As, you can see it is a combination of dark and vanilla chocolate. And filled inside with delicious vanilla chocolate.Basically, it is whole like full filled with chocolate nothing anything. So, if you are a very chocolaty person, you need to eat these. Literally, you never look back. But, I feel like one seashell is enough for each day. Because, as they completely chocolate, it contains a lot of sweetness , if you eat so much that will be like too much. I, however, not a sweetie person if I eat a lot of sweet things I get a headache.So, for me one is more...
And that's it for these chocolates review.I hope you will find it useful, don't forget to eat these....And, I will see you very very soon.Bye!